Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Photo Album

So, I got a little behind here.  I fell into the swing of being pregnant and have found that the months have gone sliding by.  In the last 15 weeks or so, I have enjoyed feeling the movements of our little Hummingbird.  Somersaults, kicking, elbowing, and punching have become the norm.  In the past few months, we took in a Feist concert and a Gillian Welch show and I felt him/her dancing like crazy(this attribute comes from it's father).  And yesterday culminated with the first ever bout of hiccups for this baby.  It was funny to watch my stomach jump every two seconds.  I counted 47 hiccups : )

Since my absence from the blog world, I have watched my body grow into something slightly alien but  also something kind of miraculous.  I feel humbled to be the home for this child.  Here are some photos of the growth thus far.
12 weeks

16 weeks

20 weeks
26 weeks
30 weeks
With less than 10 weeks to go, we are getting very excited! It is hard to believe the child is already about as tall as it is going to get and that the next 2 months are reserved for fattening up and making the finishing touches of development.  Did I mention how excited I am to meet this kid?