Tuesday, November 13, 2012

TENder Baby Moments

This baby has brought so much tenderness into our lives in the short nine weeks he has been here.  It is not like we were living some hardcore, non-tender life before, but our hearts are certainly a little softer these days.  Here is why:

The other day while watching TV, I looked over at my husband.  He had the baby stretched out on his chest.  Instead of watching the show, my husband was leaned forward, breathing in his baby boy.

My sister has a little one who is set to arrive in February.  Two weeks ago, when she held my son, her baby started moving and reacting to his cousin!

Whenever we go to visit my parents, my dad always comes to the car before we even get it in park, gets the car seat, and starts talking to little man.

Lately, I have discovered that sometimes my baby cries out of fear.  The other day, I put him in the tub while the water was still running and he started to cry this really heart breaking cry.  I figured out what was scaring him and turned off the water.  He looked at me like I was a hero.

He has figured out how to hold on.  How can I ever let him sleep in his crib, when he is hanging on to hair/shirt while he is sleeping?

I think he likes music.  I have played the guitar for him and he smiles the whole time.  A few nights ago my husband was playing a new song he learned on guitar, while baby and I swayed to the music=happy family.  The song?  See below.

Watching him learn things is incredible.  Just yesterday he found his thumb.  He always tries to get his hands in his mouth, but suddenly, he was getting the thumb separate from the rest of the fingers and into his mouth on the first or second try.  Regardless of the fact that I keep pulling said thumb out of his mouth, I am still amazed that he was able to teach himself to do that.

Our dog, who looks like a terrifying creature-with his lab, pit, catahoula bloodline, always comes up to the baby when he is really crying.  He wants to lick him and try to fix it.

The baby has learned to talk.  He coos a lot in the morning (telling me his dreams) and gets the art of conversation. It brings me such joy!

We went to visit family and friends in Michigan two weeks ago.  Little man was pleasant with the masses of people, but few things feel better than when your child can pick your face out of a crowd.  He would smile at me, even with so many other friendly faces in his line of vision.

It is all so sweet.