Saturday, November 15, 2014

Felt, Glue, and Sweatpants

Last time I wrote, I was reflecting on my entrance into the world of mom, as if I had reached some pinnacle of nerdiness, but what did I really know?

On October 30th, at 10:00 pm, I found myself baking goodies for my son's Halloween party at school.  I cut the rice crispy treats apart and wrapped them quickly.   I still had a costume to make. 

At 11:00 pm, as I sewed the tail onto my son's Mickey Mouse shorts, I was again hit in the face with that feeling of being  If my tone is negative, it is not intentional.  Each time I have this realization wash over me, the only feeling I have is complete surprise.   I don't think anyone can picture themselves gluing ears onto a headband in the late hours of the evening, nearly falling asleep in the process and therefore getting glue EVERYWHERE.  Even when I daydreamed about the future, this was a moment so insignificant that it warranted no time in the dreamscape. And yet when I found myself there it was absurdly normal and yet utterly shocking.  

Transition into mom-itude has been my greatest adventure.  Never before I have I become something different than I always have been. And yet still been just the same.  It is a strange dual reality that I have just recently entered into.  My years ahead are going to be filled with the beautiful mundane realities of child-raising, the incredible life-chaning moments that come with watching a tiny version of my DNA grow, learn, and become a person, and all the while some strange and wonderful blending of myself and my momself, will continue to occur.  Bringing me ever closer to earning the title, "Mama".

I have attached photos of the three Halloween costumes I have made for my son since his birth.  Each costume was made with felt, glue, and sweatpants.  (and love.)  This is the apex of my skill set.  The purchasing of over-priced costumes is in my very near future.  

The attachable turtle shell  (1 month old)

Han Solo (1 year old)
Mickey Mouse (2 year old)