Monday, September 17, 2018

Poor Old Michael Finnegan Begin Again

Do you remember that song?  The one about the poor old man who's beard kept growing out and then back in again?  I feel like he probably just wanted to have a beard or not have a beard, but the cycle just kept repeating.  That is me and this blog.  I go weeks without thinking about it, then log in and start another draft (currently up to seven) and never finish it or post it.  Then feel guilty about not sticking with it, and that I have done less with this post since my second child was born (i.e. she has fewer posts), and that so much time has passed that to do a recap would be an affront to the amount of life lived between posts.  So I won't recap.  I also wont post anything of substance today.  I'll just make a post.  The Finnegan beard?  It is back out again.