Monday, February 20, 2012

The Second Sign

After a positive test and 5 week absence of lady business, it was time to make an appointment with a doctor.  At what we later learned was 6 weeks, I had my first appointment.  The doctor had lots of questions about my health history, my mom's health history, and about how things were going.  Our conversation went as follows:
D-Are you feeling nauseous?
Me-Yes, pretty much all the time, but especially in the evening.
D-Are you feeling tired?  Fatigued?
Me-Yes, pretty much all the time, but especially in the evening.
(By now the nurse has really set up shop in the crook of my arm, and is on vile of blood #5)
D- Well, I know it is unfair, but the worse you feel, generally the better the pregnancy.

Meanwhile, I look over at my counterpart, who is quiet.  

We schedule an appointment for 4 weeks away, making me 10 weeks along, and head out to the car.  My husband laughs and says, "You can't feel good about being the father while in the doctor's office.  The doctor asks you about how terrible you feel, I feel fine.  I just sat there like, this is my fault.  Yep, I did this."

The weeks raged on and I felt pretty icky, but was able to make it without vomiting once!  There were close calls, but thankfully I only had to abandon my students twice to run to the loo.  The latter was a memorable one.  As I sat there, with my head above the bowl, doing that shaky breathing thing, in the student bathroom, with the stall door open, I thought two things 1) for public school toilets, this one was really clean and I needed to tell Miss Ramona good job and 2) I was not going to throw up.  I talked myself out of it, and walked on to the teacher dining room.  I opened the door feeling like Squints at the pool.  I, with my secret and looking like death.  My friends looking concerned and saying things like "Yaya, (s)he looks pretty crappy".  A kind soul gave me some money for a sprite, I pushed my glasses up, and I came back alive no worse for the wear.

Month two was filled with ginger ale and buttered toast.  This vomit elixir was effective, but also added a pound on the scale.  As the second month drew to a close, I was given some reprieve from the icky feelings during the day and started to feel a little back to normal.

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