Saturday, September 27, 2014

Glimmering Mom-Nerd

They say that having a child changes you.  I knew and believed this when my husband and I contemplated bringing a baby into this world.  I knew that in immeasurable ways I would develop love, patience, and gratefulness unthinkable to my childless-self.  That internal dialogue was more than three years ago, and now, in throws of toddlerhood it just struck me again.

Have you ever looked at a mom and thought-what happened to you?  When did you become such a dork?  How you become so mom?

I think, dear friends, this is the change that all the "they"s have been talking about.

I ushered in the weekend with my son cuddled on my lap, bowl of popcorn in one hand, remote in the other.  I scrolled through the netflix options waiting for the "dat one!" seal of approval from my son.  I went through the tolerable movies but "No. No. No." was all I got.  Continuing to scroll and watching the choices get more and more painful, I finally heard the screetching that meant he had made his choice- Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva la Fiesta!

We watched the whole thing.  It was awful, but, on some weird level,  I didn't hate it.

My son also loves singing the classic nursery rhyme songs, but with his speech delays, he cannot sing them himself, so he demands that I sing them.  It is a sweet and simple thing to do together, but there are only so many times I can sing "Itsy Bitsty Spider", so looking for a reprieve I fired up the Pandora Kids station.  It was two hours after I pressed play that it dawned on me, that these high-pitched jams had been blasting, and I have barely noticed.  Some of the same kids songs that used to make my skin hurt when I would babysit in my teens, were now tolerable, and in-fact not so unpleasant. In fact, we both clapped with "C is for Cookie" came on. 

Something is happening here.  I may still watch documentaries and weird indie movies that leave me feeling confused and doubtful of reality after 8 pm, but in daylight its cgi dogs making jokes and getting into shenanigans in a hotel.  I am like a vampire, but less cool.  Dark and interesting by night and glimmering, mom-nerd in the daylight.

And so I wrap up this post because the hokey pokey is on.  And dangit..