Monday, July 23, 2012

Becoming a Purple Tiger

I have earned my first stripes.  Two purple-y, jagged lines extending from my belly button towards my right side.

Streeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch Marks.

My mom had good luck and was able to make it through her pregnancies without any stretch marks.  Which is quite a feat for a woman who weighed less than 100 pounds when she got pregnant and carried around a 9 pounder.  Needless to say, I got a little cocky in thinking, I would be just the same.

Since month three, I have rubbed delicious smelling cocoa butter lotion on my skin post-shower and it seemed to be doing the trick.  However, I gained four pounds in the last 3 weeks and could actually feel my skin tightening.  Then a few nights ago as I was getting into my pjs (I have taken to wearing my husband's shorts and t-shirts to bed), I saw them.  I couldn't help but feel disappointed.  I know that they are silly, topical, harmless, side effects of the most miraculous thing to ever happen to me, but I still felt that pang of female shame.

As mentioned previously, I see a dermatologist several times a year for a full body scan, i.e. stand in the buff and let some one look look at every inch of my skin with a critical eye.  This time, as he inspected the skin on my belly he said, "Wow, what is that?"  "Is that a bruise?"

He was referring to a very large purple scar that has developed on my stomach.

When I was 18, I got my belly button pierced.  Who didn't?  I stopped wearing jewelry in it as soon as we thought about having a kid, so it had over 6 months to heal.  However, as my outsides stretched to fit my growing insides, the site stretched and left me with some really purple, unattractive scar tissue.  Therefore ruining my chances of reenacting the following photo:

For more awesome pregnancy photo ideas, please click the link below.  It is definitely not a waste of time...

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