Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I have to say, this pregnancy has not been terrible.  In fact, it has been quite good.  The usual sickness in the early days, but each week has just been better and better.  Until a few weeks ago.

Again, let me preface with how good this pregnancy has been, there are so many women who have it way worse than I do, but there have been some strange...developments during this last stretch.

When I first got my copy of What to Expect when you are Expecting (thank you to my sister-in-law), I read the first few sections and laughed out loud at the fact: some women experience an excess in saliva production during pregnancy, which can cause drooling.  I thought that it was so funny and could not see how slobbering related to pregnancy.  Karma decided to teach me how.  In addition to all the things that swell and become inflamed (thank you hormones) add: nasal passages to the list.  I am very congested all the time, but particularly in the evening.  What happens when a person who can't breathe out of their nose lies down in bed?  Mouth breathing and, ick, drool.  It is super gross.  Luckily, I am ALWAYS the first one up, so my loving and sleepy husband has yet to notice.

Next up is having an internal temperature of 10,000 degrees.  I have always been a cold person, heartless and bitter.  Okay, just kidding, but I have always been cold in that "I need a sweater" sort of way.  I usually have ice toes and fingers, but lately I am so hot.  At night I sleep with the ceiling fan on high and use no blankets.  It is very strange considering my years of blanket-hogging and over cuddling for warmth.

Today was my first day back to work with students.  In an effort to maintain our professional dress policy, and to not confuse 11-year-old boys (this is a very important element in my line of work),  I came to school completely covered.  By 9:00 A.M., I sweat through my new(thrift store) dress.  Eww.

And to finish, I have fat feet.  And fat fingers.  My wedding ring creates this lovely contour line for the excessive finger swelling to mould around and my feet take on the pattern of my sandals (the only footwear that fit me) by the end of the day.

All in all, I feel like a slob.  However, learning that I am 1 cm dilated and that the baby has moved down, encourages me that things will be back to normal soon.  But a lady I work with told me she pees when she sneezes because she pushed a kid out of her hooha...

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