Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bird's Gender Neutral Nest

With eight days until my due date, I have just washed the last few items that belong in Hummingbird's room.  Here are some pictures of the set up.

This is one of 10 Charley Harper prints that we ordered from the US Government Bookstore.    These beautiful pictures were painted in the 1960's to promote the National Parks, which is one of my husband and I's most favorite things in the whole wide world.  In addition to the awesome print, my husband made the frame as a gift to the little one out of raw cedar.

Here is the crib we bought from Baby's Dream.  The rocker pictured on the right is a Mennonite-made Hickory rocker.  Every woman on my mom's side of the family has one in their homes.  I was rocked in one just like it as a baby.  Also included in this picture is a great rug that we bought from a small business run by my in-laws.  Check out their American made goods and furnishings at:

It is hard to find bedding that is: a) not gender specific, and  b) is not covered in crazy bright patterns or rainforest animals.  We found the little sheep to be just right.

I LOVE BOOKS.  However, these shelves are far from full,  I know that will change in a few months.  I also wanted to show off some handmade art.  The frog, lamb, duck, and elephant were all designed and painted by a dear friend of mine.  She works mainly in graphic design and has a great portfolio at:

This is a barrel full of toys in which Kermit gets a front row seat.   Muppets only fall slightly behind National Parks on the list of things I love.

This is my favorite part.  It looks like a bunch of baskets, but inside are the soft, clean clothes and blankets that Hummingbird will soon be using.  I can't wait to wrap the kid up in all these blankets (even though it is still summer here in the South) and get to know this little human.

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