Friday, September 7, 2012

The Pregnancy Summary

I am 11 days passed my due date.  After a long week and a half of waiting, we decided, along with the support of our doctor, to schedule an induction. It was strange to think about picking our kid's birthday, but the nurse called the hospital to see if September 10, 11, or 12 were available.  Due to the hospital's schedule, our child will be born on Monday, September 10th (unless he or she decides to come on their own sometime before then).  

I am so relieved to know that this child will eventually be born.  It has been emotionally taxing awaiting their arrival.  I was truly beginning to feel like this would never happen.

So here are some last stats and a picture from my journey, as well as my hopes for delivery.  The next time you hear from me, I will be writing with a baby by my side, instead of on my inside.


Weight gained: 24 pounds

Belly Measurement: 39 cm

Cravings: No real food cravings, I just kind of like everything.  However, sometimes I crave particular movies and songs (examples include: Judd Apatow films and Bon Iver songs), it is weird, but it is like emotional craving.

Aversions: In the beginning raw meat was tough to handle, but that passed.

Baby's Size: measured in at 7 pounds 3 oz after an ultrasound on Tuesday (Note: there is a high rate of error with this kind of testing, it can actually be +/- a pound)

Stretch Marks: Just those two that extend from my belly button piercing scar tissue. Notice that the pictures are never from the front, that scar is real bad.

Sleep: Still managing at least 8 hours a night, but this requires 2 pillows, no blankets, and the ceiling fan.

41 weeks and 4 days.

Hopes for delivery

It is my second biggest hope that this child decides to join us before the induction.  I would really like to be able to get through the early stages of labor at home, eating and drinking freely, and then go to the hospital, where I would be able to be mobile and not attached to all the machines.  I have imagined a natural childbirth (pretty much exclusively) up until this point, one where I can move freely and really experience this child's arrival into the world.

Since an induction is very likely, I am learning to adjust my world view a little.  We talked with the nurse today and learned that I will be on a pitocin drip the entire time (attached to an IV) and will have to be constantly monitored (attached to another machine).  With these kinds of limitations, I will only be allowed trips to the bathroom and to stand bedside if needed.  I know that lots of women labor in bed, but I just didn't picture it that way when it was my turn.  I feel like labor is something that I do, not something that happens to me, and being told that I can't do things that I know could help, will be a real challenge for me. 

It is my biggest hope of all that by Monday night, I know my child.  The anticipation of meeting him or her has been constantly growing throughout this pregnancy.  I wonder if it is a boy or girl.  I wonder if they will have my husband's skin, which doesn't fry in the sun like mine.  I wonder if they will have his ability to break down dairy products.  I wonder if they will have to wear glasses like me.  My husband wonders if they will appreciate dissonance. 

Regardless of how this childbirth occurs, the end result is the arrival of our sweet Hummingbird.  I know I have my ideas and dreams about how that happens, but truly, there is nothing more that I can hope for then their safe passage onto this planet.

Peace and love to all of you who have read and supported me this far.  I can't wait to tell you about the gory details and beautiful moments about life as new mom.

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