Friday, August 23, 2013

Normal Life Stuff, not Mental Issues Stuff

So my kid is almost one.  A whole year old.  I can't believe how much I think about where I was this time last year.  When the weather is just so, or same tv shows start back up with their fall line up, I am reminded of the pregnant version of myself a year ago.  And for the first time since my son was born, I started to get a little sentimental about it all.  Like, "oh, I see why people do this again".  Truthfully, until now, the thought of a having another baby made my insides quake.

Now that little bubba is getting older, he has become so much fun.  Infinity times harder to manage (I didn't understand how that could be possible), but really fun.  We do things.  Really do things together.  And it is the best.  This last week he picked up the word mom.  I turn to mush every time I hear it, though it is mostly heard when he is yelling at me while I suction his nose.

Why am I suctioning his nose?  Because the sweet boys sinuses are draining out of his eyes.  He looks like he has two black eyes, it is the saddest thing.  I don't know if it is allergies, sinus infection, or teething, but it is gross.

In addition to booger-y gross.  He has been very, very poop gross.  After producing the most potent baby poo 4-5 times a day, through his diaper and clothes, we took him to see the doc.  A stool sample revealed that the little man has C. Diff.  A bacteria that he shouldn't have in his gut.  So he is taking a medication for that three times a day. 

Medicine three times a day?  Nah, how about four times a day!?  Remember that ringworm post from three months ago?  Yep, still fighting that battle.  These meds, which blend nicely into apple juice, are finally starting to take hold and this ringworm is on the way out.

Sometimes I feel like he is never not sick.  I can't recall a time when he did not have some sort of aliment: ear infection, fungal infection, etc.  He is, however, a healthy boy and praise the lord for that.  All his internal body systems work, his motor skills are on track and his ol' noggin is firing on all cylinders.  I am incredibly thankful for that.

He is crawling, eating actual food, obsessed with the Dog book that we read every night.  He has figured out how to manipulate all his toys to make them light up and make music.  He can call for his dad and wave goodbye.  He is my hearts delight. 

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