Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Baby Stats

The baby weighed in at 8 pounds 7 ounces.  A big jump from the estimated 7 pounds 3 ounces as determined by the ultrasound just 3 days before.

He was 22 inches long, which is aparently very long (according to the nurses).  I also learned that they do not measure the baby when they are first born.  The coning of the head makes for an extended measurement.  The nurses did not measure our little man until he was about 12 hours old.

He had hair.  When they first handed me our son, he was still wet and it looked like he had brown hair. It wasn't until that evening (after his bath) that I pulled his cap back and saw the little blonde locks underneath.

All fingers and toes were accounted for.  Thankfully, his nails weren't too long, which happens to a lot of babies, so he didn't have to wear the little mittens.

He has blue eyes.  When he decided to open his eyes, I saw that they were a really dark blue.  They have lightened since then, but are still a pretty, deep blue color.

He could hold his head up right from birth.  When the nurse laid him on my chest after delivery, he soon started lifting his head and began rooting around.  His neck is very strong, but looks so little compared to his head, that I have given him the unfortunate nickname of "Turtle Man".  He is too small to tell me he hates it, so for now, it's Turtle Man.

He has had the hiccups every day since he has been born.  He had them in utero as well, but they seem much more intense in the outside world.

loud "shh-ing"
rocking chairs
rides in the car
putting his arms up next to his head when sleeping-he always looks like he is riding a roller coaster.

sitting/resting in one position for too long
sleeping after he kicks his legs out of the swaddle

I am learning so much about him.  I like knowing that his little personality is already in there and that he is already training me on how he wants things to be.

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