Sunday, October 28, 2012

Does my baby have Scabies? A Seuss inspired entry about Parent Paranoia

A bump on the hand,
A few on the arm,
Do these little red marks,
mean my baby harm?
Examine the spots,
To the internet-Go!
Does my baby have Scabies?
I just have to know.

A gallery of rashes,
just what I need!
Does my baby have Scabies?
Please, no, I plead.

The photos show sores,
they show hives and show scabs.
They explain how it grows
and they make it look bad.

I look at my baby, 
all happy and chill
And I know for a fact,
that he is not ill.

Stupid internet,
lets me self-diagnose.
I am not a doctor,
no, not even close.

No Scabies for this baby,
but the mom is not good.
She had her first bout of panic.
Hello, motherhood.

Note:  This baby had a bug bite and some generic baby skin bumps that they just get sometimes.  I knew this starting out, but feel victim to the "what-ifs".

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